I think I shall start posting regularly from now onwards. Haha I shall now revive this dead blog. The O lvls have finally ended, and we should all be rejoicing. Instead I have this very weird feeling like there's nothing to do. My life is back to a routine, working in the day and sleeping at night. Lol how I wish I'm like some people, able to lead a carefree life. Anyway, I must really count my blessings. I'm glad that throughout this year I've met many interesting people, people who I consider to be my bes friends. Although they may not know it, it is their support who is constantly driving me. Going to Korea today...the South not the North. Wonder how it will be like there, hope it snows then can throw snowballs at my brother. I will always remember the fun times we shared together and our anything attitude. Lol perhaps it was my indecisiveness that led to this. I know that sometimes things don't happen as I want them to. I am glad you have always been there to listen...how I wish I could do the same for you. I'll always remember that day, it's hard to forget some things... Haha typing all this using my new laptop. HP pavillion dv2121. Sometimes I wonder why a laptop needs a remote control. This laptop rawks in a way, windows media centre is so cool. Bye off to Korea, will be back on the 12th.